Natural Pain Relief

Acupuncture for Pain

Acupuncture for Pain

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to provide natural pain relief. Acupuncture was brought to the United States from China in the early 70’s - to provide a pain free surgery without the use of anesthesia. Today clinical studies suggest that acupuncture is effective at reducing chronic pain occurring in the back, neck, and for migraines and other pain conditions.

At North Shore Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, we understand that no two pain conditions are a like. That’s why we tailor each acupuncture treatment to the needs of our patients! We employ the use of acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and our natural medicine techniques to resolve pain that offers long lasting relief.

Acupuncture works to relieve pain by targeting specific points within the body to balance the autonomic nervous system and allow for endorphins to be released.

Acupuncture stimulates electrical impulses in the body and the flow of endorphins. Endorphins are the body's natural painkiller. Acupuncture needles stimulate the signals that control the flow of endorphins in the body.

Acupuncture releases naturally occurring opioids in the brain. A natural pain-relieving opioid can be released in the brain when the precise location and combination of acupuncture points are successfully implemented.

Natural Pain Relief

Back Pain:

Acupuncture is widely accepted as an effective treatment that provides pain relief. Common causes of back pain include strain of muscle or ligaments, poor posture, ruptured disk, sciatica, pregnancy and arthritis.

Low Back Pain:

Acupuncture is a natural solution to resolve low back pain without the need for surgery or cortisone shots.

Neck Pain:

Neck and shoulder tension is common for those who work on computers all day or experience high stress. Acupuncture reduces stress, relieves tense muscles and improve flow of circulation to resolve neck pain.

Muscle Pain & Fibromyalgia:

Attributing factors to muscle pain and fibromyalgia can include, poor digestion, poor sleep, and other lifestyle habits that contribute to pain.

Migraines & Headaches:

Our treatments can help to address underlying causes of imbalances that cause migraines and headaches. For those suffering from migraines and headaches, we employ our natural medicine techniques to identify lifestyle, nutrition, and other factors that can be contribute to your pain.

Nerve Pain:

Acupuncture resets the autonomic nervous system and restores homeostasis to your body; reducing pain.

Menstrual Cramps:

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can manage menstrual cramps and pain associated with endometriosis and PCOS and a wide variety of other women’s health issues.

Sports Injuries:

Acupuncture benefits athletes and non-athletes alike by speeding up recovery time from an injury.

Sciatic Pain:

Sciatic pain can be caused by pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle or injury. Our methods are tailored to the specific causes of your pain to keep you engaged in the activities you love.

Arthritis & Joint Pain:

Our treatment plans combine acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and natural medicine to reduce arthritis pain in the joints. Our treatments are tailor to your specific causes of joint inflammation, swelling, and tenderness.

Experience Natural Pain Relief


Experience Natural Pain Relief 〰️