Working with a range of painful conditions from back pain to muscle strain; bulging disk to arthritis and much more!

Acupuncture for Back Pain

man in rain gear standing near a waterfall with his hands stretched upwards

Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a very common and painful condition that can be uncomfortable and debilitating. Back pain can result from an injury, activity or medical condition. Common causes of injury include strain of muscle or ligaments, poor posture, ruptured disk, sciatica, pregnancy and arthritis. Acupuncture stimulates the release of natural painkillers - endorphins - and stimulates nerve and muscle tissue to relax. Acupuncture is a natural, safe and effective method to manage pain!

Acupuncture for Back Pain

Acupuncture has been used for over 3,000 years to resolve back pain. Over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life! Our acupuncture clinic tailors each treatment based on your structural imbalances and identifies the root causes of your pain. We employ acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and our natural medicine techniques to address the causes of your back pain. Our goal is to quick get you back to the activities you enjoy, while providing you the knowledge and tools to keep your pain from returning!

How Acupuncture Works for Back Pain:

  • Increases blood flow to painful areas to promote healing and reduce pain.

  • Stimulates the release of natural painkillers - endorphins -

  • Stimulates nerve and muscle tissue to relax.

  • Improves range of motion.

  • Releases tight fascia and muscles in your back for immediate pain relief

  • Postural correction and muscle strengthening with routine treatment.

Our Natural Medicine Techniques:

  • woman scaling a climbing wall

    Exercise/Movement Recommendations:

    Humans are designed to move, sedentary lifestyles can promote pain, discomfort and other conditions. Whether this is through exercise prescriptions, stretching therapies, or simple movement modifications we’re here to help you exceed your own movement goals.

  • woman in a hammock reading a book

    Lifestyle & Healthy Living Recommendations:

    Small changes to your daily routine can greatly impact your quality of life, pain, and even longevity. Everyone lives a unique lifestyle, however there are a few things that every human body requires; such as, regular movement, regular sleep cycles and an avenue to manage stress. With the Transtheoretical Model in mind, we work with you to identify changes that can reduce pain, while maximizing your health and longevity.

  • an overhead shot of a colorful and healthy dish of food

    TCM Dietary Recommendations

    Foods are tailored to your individual needs and centered around nutrient dense, non-inflammatory foods that maximize antioxidants, decrease inflammation and promote improved sleep to allow your body to restore.

Experience Natural Pain Relief


Experience Natural Pain Relief 〰️