Traditional Medicine. Modern Results. Tailored to You.
North Shore Acupuncture & Natural Medicine
Our Acupuncture Specialties
Embarking on Your Wellness Journey.
A health and lifestyle transformation is well within your reach. We work in partnership with you to help you transform your health and wellness further than you ever imagined! Acupuncture is only one component to the health care you will receive. We mindfully integrate Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and natural medicine to create a multifaceted approach to your health care. We leave no stone unturned and whole heartedly support you during each step on your path to wellness! Employing traditional and modern approaches that fit into your everyday life! Our acupuncture specialties include anxiety and stress, fertility, pregnancy, pain relief, and women’s health.
Our Approach
At North Shore Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, we use acupuncture as a method to encourage the body to promote natural healing and improve function. Whether you are suffering from anxiety, neck pain, fertility issues, stress, PMS, or back pain - We partner with you to carefully tailor acupuncture treatments to your needs. We combine Eastern and Western medical philosophies for a result orientated approach to your health care.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Inspired by nature, Chinese herbal medicine is a blend of the purest flowers, roots, fruits, and other natural foods. Chinese herbal medicine is a key component to our treatment plans. Using the same standards we approach acupuncture, we carefully tailor Chinese herbal medicine to the needs of each patient. When acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and our natural medicine methods are combined, we notice faster relief from symptoms.
Natural Medicine
Not only do we utilize acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to create positive changes to your health - but we employ our extensive background in exercise physiology and health promotion to instill positive lifestyle changes! Our goal is to promote health both on and off of our acupuncture treatment tables. We provide you with the tools and insights to make changes in your nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices that can propel your health further than you have ever imagined!